
Seacret Nail Care Collection

I thought I was getting better at my suckerism (totally a word) but I couldn't be more wrong. I was walking through the mall when this woman grabs my hand and starts filing my nail. She was just little and kept talking on and on and on so I just stood there. When she was finished buffing my nail, she said to me "Are you ready to be amazed?" I couldn't help but laugh, but she was dead serious so I just said "um..yeah"

She removed her hand from my index finger and it was just glowing! My finger was so shiny, it was amazing! (I guess I really wasn't prepared to be amazed) So she told me the price and I about died and am thinking, um no, I will not be buying one. Then she said she'd throw in an extra one for free.


I hate saying no.

(But my nails do look shiny!)


Twilight Woods

The new fragance from Bath & Body Works. It smells delicious!


Lush My Fair Lady Gift Set

This was a Christmas gift from my friend Dennelle. It's bath soaps and lotion from Lush, which makes fresh handmade soaps and cosmetics. They smell so good! I think it is funny because each product has a sticker that shows the date it was made plus the name and picture of the person who made it!

I kept showing Alex. "Look Al, Lou made me some soap!" Maybe it's just me but I thought it was pretty funny to see the person who made the product!



We finally made it to Maui! Our trip is from Dec. 11th thru Dec. 19th.


Finally Bought Myself Some Skinny Jeans

Is it just me or do those hips look photoshopped? I wish there were a photoshop for real life. I'd buy that in a heartbeat!


Knowing That My Husband Is Alive!

Yeah, so I had a little scare last night. My sweet Albert decides to forget to turn his phone on when he went gallivanting around town last night until 11:30 PM! I was okay until I hadn't heard from him by 9:00, then I freaked. I called everyone and nobody had seen him.

About the time I was about to start calling hospitals was the time he finally called. His excuse? He forgot to turn his phone on. Yeah, don't you think you should call if you're going to be gone for 4 hours??

He's grounded.


Iced Eggnog Latte

It has to be iced, it's the best!

Love me some nog!


New Slouchy Boots


New Bedding!

We finally decided on one!



It wasn't up until the last couple years that I started eating sushi. Before that, just the thought of it made me sick, but I now love it. I especially love the rolls. I just can't eat plain sushi outside of a roll, my mind just doesn't get over the fact that there is a raw fish in my mouth. So I stick to the rolls which are delicious!

See I can handle raw fish as long as it's in disguise!


Having Dennelle Back In The Office

My good friend Dennell from work has been working in the Canada office for 2 months now and she's finally back in the Salt Lake office this week, bout time! Who else is going to pay for my lunches?


Selestee Ruffle Pumps

I bought these over the weekend when I was in search of some cute boots.

Three hours of searching and I had nothing, if I didn't bring something home I would feel like a failure and all the pain and frustration would have been for nothing.

Hence, my new shoes.


Starbucks Peppermint Mocha

Playing House With This Little Guy

I got to babysit Logan for the whole weekend and loved every minute of it. We played trains, puzzles, read books, and played in the leaves. He also is a big helper! He helped me sort the laundry, vacuum, sweep, feed the cats, and even clean the litter box!

I miss having him around. You can't give me a three year old and then just take him away!


20 Pack of Diet Dr. Pepper

The boss has an obsession with Diet Dr. Pepper, he keeps two 20 packs under his desk and drink like 4 cans a day! I noticed his stash and said "Well now I know where to go in case of a caffeine emergency!"

The next day I bought a Diet DP from the candy machine (For 75 cents, I was robbed) then he accused me of stealing from his stash. Of course I denied it and complained about having to pay 75 cents for a stupid can of pop!

The next day he brings me a can from his stash for me to enjoy for free.

The day after that his wife shows up with this huge case of Diet DP all for me.

Don't let anyone tell you that complaining won't get you anywhere!


The Knit Shrug

Just when you thought you'd have to buy a whole new winter wardrobe, the shrug comes along to save the day! In the 2 seconds it takes to put one on, your summer wardrobe is transformed for winter wear!

I am loving these loose fitting knit shrugs, they pretty much go with anything in your closet. I can wear one to work, or out to dinner, or just relaxin at home.

Aren't they just yummy?


This Darling Picture!

Lindee sent me this picture a couple weeks ago when everyone went to the pumpkin patch WITHOUT me.

(Nobody even thought to invite me, guess you have to have a kid in order to be invited to a pumpkin patch. I'm not bitter... oh Hell yes I am!)

This is Grandpa and Baby Brolan. I am loving those dimples!!! (On both guys!)


New Editor Pants From Express

It's a rarity that I can find pants long enough for work. Even at Express where they have pants that come in longs. But my hard work paid off on Sunday and I finally found a pair. Just one, but that's encouraging!


My Burning Bushes

For about 3 weeks out of the year my burning bushes are on fire! I can't believe how bright they get in the fall. For the rest of the year they are just plain old green bushes but for those 3 weeks, they make me smile.


Chocolate Covered Cherries

These are so delicious! They are cherries soaked in Stacy's homemade Kahlua, covered in a candy dough and dipped in chocolate.

They are divine! I love Savannah*Haven!


Adobe Photoshop Elements 7

Albert got this for my birthday in July and I just barely started learning how to use it.

Lovin it!


Dyson Slim

If you know me, you know that I LOVE vacuums. I'm probably obsessed with vacuums because my mom is obsessed with vacuums. Alex bought me this Dyson Slim a couple years ago for Christmas and I haven't needed to buy another one since.

Most of our upstairs is hard wood floor and we have a huge rug in the living room so I wanted something that can vacuum both carpet and wood floors. Which is why I love this, I can go directly from vacuuming the rug to vacuuming the hard wood floors. Plus it's lightweight and easily fits in my coat closet.

Wow, I just realized this sounds like a commercial. I promise this is just my opinion, Dyson didn't pay me to say any of this. But now that I think of it, they should!

That's it, I'm calling them right now!


Darling Cards From Jeannie's Boutique

These cards are so cute! Even better in real life. Queenie Jeannie has a fabulous card boutique where she sells high quality homemade cards. She has a ton of varieties and she even does custom cards too!

Need cards? Check her out!



This is a website that Stephanie introduced me to recently. I can store all my photos there so that I have back up in case my computer freaks out on me. Plus I use it to upload pictures to my blog, that way you can make the pictures as large as you want. Which of course I LOVE big pictures so that works for me.

Since I'm usually the one taking pictures at our family functions and everyone asks me for copies, I just post the pictures on the website and my family can go pick out the ones that they want. It's just brilliant I tell ya!


New Peep Toe Pumps!

I'm constantly needing new black heels since that is primarily what I wear to work every day.


My Cleaning Girls

We call them "Our girls", they come every other week and clean our whole house. I was just going to use them once to just do one huge deep clean of my entire home, but then they sucked me in. I just got addicted.

I'm addicted to my girls, and I'm not ashamed.

Does anyone else have girls?


Texas Roadhouse Rolls

Albert and I went to Texas Roadhouse on Sunday and I filled up on these delicious rolls! The rolls are delicious in themselves but it's the sweet cinnamon butter that you spread over them that makes them irresistible!

I'll go to TR just for the rolls, seriously my mouth is watering just thinking about it!


Orange Michael Kors Sandals

These are the only designer shoes that I own and they were given to me from Dennelle, a friend from work. They are such a fun color and very comfy, I like to wear them when my clothes don't have much color so the shoes stand out.


Going To The Gym

Yay, I've finally found my motivation! I've gotten off my sorry ass and have been forcing myself to go to the gym. It makes such a huge difference, my mood is better and I have motivation to DO stuff. I hope I can continue this, after all I wouldn't mind losing 1 or 20 pounds!

(I love the cardio cinema at Gold's Gym!)


Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator

This this is awesome. Instead of having your wine poured out into decanter and sit out for three hours to breathe, this aerator does it automatically! Alex and I saw one of these at the Falkner Winery in Temecula on our wine tour and we had to find one.

The cheapest one I found was at Sur la table at the Gateway, go get yours!


Baby Bottles of Grand Marnier & Chambord Liqueur

My sis, Lindee, went to Colorado a while back and brought back these darling little liquor bottles. They are so cute and elegant, I love them!


Cotton Candy Lip Smackers

I'm a 12 year old stuck in a 28 year old body.

Only problem with this chapstick is that it is my dog's favorite too.


Pumpkin Spice Lattes

They're baaaaaack!

I stopped by Starbucks yesterday and to my delight the pumpkin spice latte was back on the menu for Fall! My favorite! Now I just can't wait until the eggnog lattes come available again.



My New Laptop!

Yay! I'm so excited, it is so pretty and shiny and new and all mine! I can save all my stuff in one place instead of taking my work computer home all the time. I can't wait to get my itunes library set up, and photo shop, and my photo scanner! I made sure to get extra RAM so I don't run out of space!


New Purse

So a few months ago when I stayed at Dennelle's house, she gave one of her purses. This woman has a ton of purses so she wanted to give this one away. And of course I allowed her to give it to me.

I'm a great friend that way.



This is the best summer wine ever. It is the only wine I've heard of where the wine maker actually suggests you drink it over ice with a lime. If you aren't a wine drinker, I suggest you start with this one because it really tastes like a mixed drink.

Just fill your glass full of ice, poor the wine, squeeze a wedge of lime in it and go sit outside and relax!

And it also has a cool label that is two sided, here is the inside:

Isn't that cool?


Cooking Class With Marguerite Henderson

This woman is amazing! My mom-in-law has been taking me and my sister-in-laws to Marguerite's cooking class this year. These classes are so fun and seriously addicting.

Marguerite is the author of 3 cookbooks, she's a cooking instructor, a culinary consultant and this year she was voted "Best Cooking in the Garden" teacher for 2009 Best of Utah!

She also opened Cucina, an award winning deli in the avenues of Salt Lake City. I love Cucina! I go there for lunch at work all the time, it's delicious!

These classes are such fun to go to with the family and experience gourmet at it's finest!


Summer Sandals!

My favorite thing about summer is wearing sandals! These are my Naughty Monkeys that I got from DSW. I just love the color of these sandals and they go great with skirts!


Beans & Brews

My favorite coffee house is Beans & Brews, my favorite thing to order is their iced mochas. Delicious! Plus they have these new frappes that are to die for my favorite is the Copper Freeze which is espresso, chocolate, caramel & irish creme all blended with milk and ice.


This is the downtown location that Dennelle and I love to walk to during lunch. Great exercise and great coffee!

Beats Starbucks hands down!